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Certification of Canadian residency | SCAM

Certification of Canadian residency

In accordance with the tax treaty beetwen France and Canada, when your account has been credited of royalties collected in France, we ask you to send us the forms 5000 and 5003 completed and signed.


The forms can be completed below in the section Document(s). They have to be completed in your name not in your company’s name.


After completing the two forms in three copies (one for the French Administration, one for Revenue Canada and one for your files), you will have to request Revenue Canada to complete section IV of form 5000-EN.


When form 5000-EN is completed by you and Revenue Canada, send us back two copies (« for the use by the foreign authority » and « for the use by the French tax authority ») along with the same two copies of form 5003-EN. The third copy of both forms is for your files.